The Problematic Law-Grace Scheme of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

Author Details

Jacobus de Wit de Koning

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Published: 5 June 2018 | Article Type :


In this article the question has been pursued as to whether the theology which eventually found expression in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, actually displays a law-grace scheme which might also be threatening the sola gratia of there formation in the reality of the church in South Africa. After historical influences and the verdicts of the confessions regarding the covenant and the law had been closely scrutinised, it was concluded that the tabled confessions indeed did deviate from the grace-law scheme of the reformation with implications for the reformationalsola gratia. The concerning fact that these confessions did not only have worldwide influence upon the reformed world and South Africa, but that they may also have an impact in Africa via the Reformed Baptists, is to be lamented.

Keywords: Law; Grace; Westminster Confession of Faith; 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith; Federalism Wet; Genade; Westminster Geloofsbelydenis; 1689 Baptiste Geloofsbelydenis; Federalisme.

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How to Cite


Jacobus de Wit de Koning. (2018-06-05). "The Problematic Law-Grace Scheme of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith." *Volume 2*, 2, 26-37